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Start date: 25/05/2023
End date: 28/05/2023
Time: 12:00
Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Cordoaria East Tower Gallery
Edifício Cordoaria Nacional, Av. da Índia
1300-299 Lisboa

Contemporary Art Collection of Lisbon City Council

The group presented at the exhibition corresponds to the last two years of acquisitions and reaffirms the CML’s desire to continue to build and develop its collection, with a view to incorporating other creators in the future and enhancing the representation of those who are already a part of it. In addition to supporting the contemporary art scene, the CML collection also aims to incentivise collecting. Whether public or private, creating a collection is a commitment interwoven with the history of art and artists and makes it possible for present and future generations to understand the foundations of their culture and its choices, concerns, and aesthetic, political and social transformations.

Prior to any exhibition, it is necessary to catalogue, care for, preserve, study and systematise the works/collections – a burdensome and often forgotten set of tasks undertaken by institutions, in this case the Museu de Lisboa/EGEAC. By continuing to develop, preserve and exhibit their collections, institutions play an indispensable role in solidifying artistic developments and in the formation of the public and their aspirations and cultural ambitions.

The artists that comprise this exhibition are each at different stages of their career and have unique artistic languages, some reinventing media and pushing the boundaries of their respective artistic disciplines, others remaining more faithful to their areas of operation. Each was in any case considered indispensable by the commission who, in making their selections, took into account different genres and generations, the career status of the artists in question, the need for stimulation at the various stages of the artists’ production, and the diversity of the galleries that represented them.

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