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Start date: 14/06/2021
End date: 06/07/2021
Location: Covilhã, Portugal

Diafragma, international photography and visual arts festival, Covilhã 2021, proposes an alternative view of everything that surrounds us, a place that is a stimulus to diéerent «ways of seeing» (J. Berger), a place of interventions and revelations. Culture is also made of diéerences. A diéerence that time and space, chaos and order seek ceaselessly to understand.

The theme we chose for this year’s festival is “There is only one land”, a theme that refers to multiple readings. More than invoking the need to êght for the protection of the environment, against climate change, it also refers to the reëection on everything that man leaves as a mark on the earth; it demands for you to look at yourself as an
earthly being and think about contributing to a better and more digniêed world which protects life in all its forms and manifestations.

Including work from twenty-two artists and two groups of talented young people, students from Campos de Melo and Quinta das Palmeiras secondary schools, in exhibitions spread over four of the municipality’s cultural spaces: Galeria de Exposiçoes Tinturaria (Tinturaria Art Gallery) Museu de Lanifícios /UBI , Wool Museum /UBI, Biblioteca Municipal (Municipal Library), in Covilhã, and Casa de Cultura José Marmelo e Silva, in Paul.

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