PROJECTS As If the World Had No WestGreenhouseThe Sun Does Not Rise in the NorthMirages and Deep TimePath to the StarsAll that Burns Melts into AirTales of LisbonIn(sul)arSouth CircularTomorrow is Another DayAtlanticPanoramaField WorkArchipelagoHotel GloboErosionAn Ocean Between usArchive South Circular Exhibition view at MAAT, Lisbon HD video, sound, 22'57'', double split screen Video installation: wood, 4 speakers, red carpet, stairs, benches 410 x 466 x 243 cmExhibition view at MAAT, Lisbon, 2019 HD video, sound, 22'57'', double split screen Video installation: wood, 4 speakers, red carpet, stairs, benches 410 x 466 x 243 cmBlack Knight (from the South Circular series), 2019 Inkjet print on cotton paper 80 x 215cmVerge (from the South Circular series), 2019 Inkjet print on cotton paper 80 x 260 cmReading Circles (from the South Circular series), 2019 Inkjet print on cotton paper 80 x 240 cm